how to safely co sleep

December 30, 2023

Co-sleeping is not a new practice. For most of recorded history, parents have ensured the safety and healthy development of their little one by sharing a sleeping space with them. (And by knowing the ins and outs of how to safely co-sleep to soak all kinds of benefits up!)

For many parents, co-sleeping can make breastfeeding easier. While also making it easier for you and your family to get a more peaceful, more nurturing night of rest.  

But knowing how to safely co-sleep with a newborn is the secret behind feeling the full impact of all those benefits…while still getting the kind of nighttime peace of mind that leaves you waking up well-rested. Baby sleeping peacefully after getting a bedside co-sleeper | babybay bedside sleepers

So whether you’re new to co-sleeping or just want a refresher on how to safely co-sleep with your little one, here are a few co-sleeping should-dos to keep in mind. 

What You Should Know About Safe Co-Sleeping Before We Dig In

To this day, many cultures around the world sing the praises of co-sleeping.

They consider the sleep practice a normal and natural way of easing your baby’s stress while helping them learn to breathe regularly. And also helping them develop healthily in body and mind. 

(Fun fact: mothers in countries like Guatemala and Japan have been known to express shock and disapproval when told that children in other countries are expected to participate in solitary sleeping.)

Studies have confirmed that co-sleeping is a safe practice that improves your sleep as a parent, supports your baby’s healthy development, and promotes bonding with your baby through proximity and touch. (A perfect trifecta that makes parents sing the sleep practice’s praises.)

Though co-sleeping is one of the oldest and most popular methods of sleeping with a newborn around the world, getting the safety dos and don’ts of co-sleeping with a newborn down is what leads to peace of mind. While also leading to long and restful nights of sleep for the whole family. 

So let’s dig into those dos and don’ts…

What a Safe Co-Sleeping Environment Looks Like (and How to Prepare Your Own)

Before you and your baby can tuck in for a more caring and nurturing night of rest, your co-sleeping environment should be prepped for peaceful nights of catching Z’s. Picture of baby sleeping soundly | babybay bedside sleepers

Though it might be tempting to settle in and just invite your baby to share your own mattress, this sleeping position (which is often called bed sharing) can put your co-sleeping newborn at risk.

That’s because sharing a mattress with your newborn often means surrounding them with super-soft pillows and blankets that aren’t built with their safety in mind. 

To create a safe co-sleeping environment (the kind that will deliver all the benefits you’re after while also delivering the peace of mind you deserve) there are four key “must-dos” to remember to safely co-sleep with a newborn:

  • Co-sleep with your baby close
  • Create the right room conditions 
  • Ensure your baby’s safe sleep position 
  • Choose the right bedside sleeper

Co-Sleep with Your Baby By Your Side

There’s nothing better than turning over in the middle of the night to see your little one sleeping sweet and sound — eyes closed and the kind of gentle smile on their face that lets you know that they’re resting easy. Example of a bedroom that takes guesswork out of how to safely co sleep | babybay bedside sleeper

Parents who choose co-sleeping cite the extra bonding time as one of the biggest benefits: and we can’t help but agree. (The extra bonding time is one of the big reasons we love co-sleeping so much!)

Because when you sleep no more than an arm’s reach away from your little one, you have plenty of extra time to take in their features, listen to every gentle coo, and care for every small crisis call that comes through the night.

That kind of nighttime bliss can’t be beat. But you can put the brakes on that bonding — and foster a potentially unsafe sleeping environment — if you choose to sleep too far away.

What the AAP has to say:

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) safe sleep guidelines, you should be within easy reach of your sleeping baby for at least the first six months of their life. That’s to make sure that you’re always around when a crisis call hits, no matter how big or small.

But sleeping close to your baby gives more benefits than just quick response times.

According to scientific research, sleeping next to your baby has historically been a way for babies to learn how to regulate their breathing patterns in positive ways. That’s because when you’re breathing close enough to your baby for them to hear you easily, they’ll start naturally matching your breathing rhythm (cool, right?). 

Which is a pretty amazing way of saying that co-sleeping with a baby isn’t just a way to bond on an emotional level. Every part of your baby’s system and your baby’s healthy development processes will benefit from the act of sleeping close to you. Starting with the comfort they feel by having you there by their side every minute of the night. 

Create the Right Room Conditions for Safe Co-Sleeping

Dark. Light. With the window open. With the window closed. With the thermostat set to a toasty 82 degrees.

We all have an opinion on what kind of conditions create the best night’s rest. Mother safely co sleeping with baby in bedside co sleeper | babybay bedside sleeper

But when co-sleeping, the room conditions need to be designed with your baby’s needs in mind. 

That means the room shouldn’t be too toasty (aim for between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit).

There also shouldn’t be extra pillows, stuffed animals, or blankets crowding the mattress. (These kinds of fluffy materials can quickly grow unsafe if a baby rolls onto them or gets wrapped up during the night.)

And even if you love the feeling of being extra-hot through the night (we can’t blame you for wanting to beat that winter chill or make the most of the summer heat!), welcoming your newborn baby might mean putting those preferences away for a little while. Because as soon as your baby takes up residence in your room, it’s time to start thinking of it as their space as well as yours. 

But there’s good news: you don’t have to fully let go of your old sleep habits to guarantee that your baby is protected, well-rested, and unconditionally supported throughout the night. 

By choosing a bedside sleeper that is expertly engineered with your baby’s comfort in mind (and beautifully designed with 100% beechwood to be eco-friendly and fit your bedroom style!), you can create a cozy environment for both you and your newborn. While taking all of the guesswork out of how to safely co-sleep. 

Even better: you’ll soon be rewarded for your efforts. Because you’ll be enjoying more sleep (get ready for your new parent friends to be jealous!) and curbing separation anxiety while making nighttime nursing easier than ever.

Ensure Your Baby’s Safe Sleeping Position 

There’s no debate or discussion about this one: experts agree that babies should sleep on their backs (just ask the American Academy of Pediatrics—or any other trusted source!).

And though expert consensus on this is fairly new (there weren’t firm guidelines on safe sleeping positions for babies until around the late 20th century), trusted voices have been on board with the necessity of a firm sleep space for a while now.

Baby practicing safe co sleeping in a bedside co sleeper | babybay bedside sleeperIn case this baby is your first (or you just need a refresh!), the surface underneath your baby should always be firm and clean. Any blankets should also be light and kept far away from covering your baby’s head. 

When you’re co-sleeping, these guidelines remain the same.

It’s important that your baby has space to lie comfortably — and safely — on a made-just-for-them mattress that isn’t too soft or pillowed. Babies can easily sink into too-soft bedding, which can quickly become dangerous if they’re not yet old enough to know how to safely roll away from too-plush materials.

But just because your baby is sleeping on a firm mattress doesn’t mean they’ll be left feeling uncomfy through the night.

With the right parent and baby-loved bedside co-sleeper to keep them cozy and secure, they’ll be able to fall asleep every night while feeling like they’re on cloud nine. Because the best bedside co-sleeper isn’t just designed to keep your little one safe by your side, it’s designed to nurture them in the loving half-moon shape of a hug, wrapping them in comfort whether day or night.

Which brings us to…

Taking all the Guesswork Out of How to Safely Co-Sleep

While you may prefer a weightless waterbed or a soft-as-a-cloud pillow topper that leaves you feeling like you’re sleeping on air, babies need baby-secure beds that have been rigorously tested for safety. 

And while many crib and bedside co-sleeper manufacturers promise safety, they also build your baby’s sleeper out of cheap fillers and plastics, while being finished in toxic chemicals and varnish that leach harmful gasses all night long.

By choosing a bedside co-sleeper that is made of eco-friendly, fully non-toxic, and ethically-sourced beechwood, you won’t just experience all the expected co-sleeping benefits. You’ll also feel the difference that going with an all-natural option makes. Sister looking at baby who is safely co-sleeping | babybay bedside sleepers

Because while adult mattresses just weren’t designed to properly support your baby (that’s the hard but honest truth!), made-just-for-them mattresses like the kind you’ll find on the best bedside co-sleeper will sit tightly against the co-sleeper frame so there are no gaps, space, or crevices that your baby could accidentally slip into.

By choosing a product specially designed by experts to provide a safe co-sleeping environment, you can spend less time worrying about how to safely co-sleep — and spend more time catching Z’s while your little one calmly and restfully sleeps by your side. 

Because enjoying the feeling of spending more time sleeping beside your baby, knowing that they are spending their night comforted and protected by your nearby touch?

That’s just priceless.

April 20, 2022

In the United States (and much of the Western world), we’re pretty big fans of catching quality Z’s while cocooned in super-soft bedding. And while there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel comfy and cozy through the night, it can be challenging to fit your co-sleeping baby into your bedroom equation when you know that the oh-so-comfortable bedding you love isn’t quite right for them. But there have to be answers to how to safely co-sleep with baby that don’t sacrifice your own comfort and leave you tossing and turning while worrying about your baby’s safety through the night…don’t there? Baby happy and rested after sleeping in bedside co-sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

Good news: there are ways to keep your baby comfortable while co-sleeping. Ones that will prioritize your own comfort during sleep time just as much as they prioritize theirs

To feel super-comfortable all night long while your baby is safely co-sleeping close by, all you need is the right crib and a little bit of know-how when it comes to common co-sleeping terms. But we’re going to break all that down now…

How to Safely Co-Sleep With Baby: Why the Sleep Surface Matters

When you’re co-sleeping with your baby, the mattress matters. 

Most mattresses made for babies would feel too firm to satisfy adults. But that firmness is exactly what your baby needs to breathe easily and feel like their body is properly supported throughout the night.

That’s why when it comes to mattresses for your baby, the firmer the better!

But as parents begin to explore co-sleeping, they wonder whether taking advantage of all the co-sleeping benefits means tossing out their much-loved mattress for one that their baby will prefer. Baby enjoying separate surface co-sleeping with co-sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

Parents who choose to bed share (the term used to describe the practice of inviting your baby to share your bed through the night) might need to put extra thought and consideration into which mattress they choose.

But for parents who choose to co-sleep with a bedside co-sleeper instead, it becomes easy to safely co sleep while keeping your long-loved mattress. 

That’s because the babybay bedside co-sleeper helps you prioritize safe co-sleeping positions by practicing what is often called separate surface co-sleeping. 

Separate Surface Co-Sleeping

Separate surface co-sleeping is exactly how it sounds—instead of making room for your baby on your own mattress, you get to snore the night away on the bedding you love, while baby co sleeps on a mattress of their own. 

You get to take advantage of all the co-sleeping benefits that come from being no more than an arm’s reach away from your baby, while being filled with the peace of mind that comes from knowing baby is cradled in safe co-sleeping positions that will keep them rested and happy. 

Co-Sleeping With Baby Comfortably: Why Separate Surface Co-Sleeping Is Best

The truth is, no matter how careful you are when setting up your shared sleeping space and preparing to bed share, it can be incredibly challenging to set up an environment that works equally well for both you and baby. 

Mom co-sleeping with baby through a bedside co-sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

You’ll have to meticulously strip away all your memory foam mattress pads, soft quilts, comfy bedding, plush pillows, and take care to make sure that there are no gaps between the mattress and headboard or mattress and wall that could be dangerous if your baby gets stuck. 

But bedside sleepers like the babybay fit flush against your bed and cradle your baby in their own nurturing cocoon—so that you can rest easy and comfortably while knowing they’re doing the same. 

And rather than wondering how to co sleep with baby while still feeling comfy-as-can-be yourself, you can be confident that baby has everything they need to sleep safely through the night…on a co sleeper mattress made just for them. 

Co-Sleeping Benefits: How Does Separate Surface Co-Sleeping Affect the Benefits You’ll Get?

Mother enjoying co-sleeping benefits sleeping next to child | babybay bedside bassinets

There are plenty of cosleeping benefits to love (like better bonding between you and baby, better support for baby’s developing body and mind—the list goes on!). 

And luckily, you and baby can still experience all those benefits while choosing to sleep in safe co-sleeping positions with the help of a baby crib like a bedside sleeper

Though you might be moving baby out of your bed and into a made-just-for-them space of their own, you’ll still be close enough for them to feel the positive effects of being by your side—and take advantage of the benefits that come from that kind of closeness. 

Which means you never have to worry again whether discovering how to safely co-sleep with baby without giving up your own comfy mattress means that baby won’t be enjoying all the positives that co-sleeping has to offer. 

Because you’ll know that during all the nights that you’re sleeping happily, comfy as can be…

Your baby is feeling comfortable, nurtured, and supported during every second of their own sleep. 

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