Will Co Sleeping Make My Baby Less Independent?

There are many benefits that come from co sleeping with a newborn, including reduced stress for you and baby, better nights of rest, and easier nighttime nursing—just to name a few!

But despite doing the research, looking into the benefits, and being clear on the many “pros” that the sleep practice offers, there’s still one question that comes up time and time again for parents considering the sleep practice: Will co sleeping make my baby less independent? 

Here’s the short answer: nope!

In fact, research has found that children who co sleep as infants are more self-reliant and socially independent by preschool age than children raised with other sleep practices as the norm. 

So how does co sleeping support independence and lead to the kind of long-term autonomy that benefits your child for a lifetime? 

The History of Co Sleeping (and Why It Matters)

Baby sleeping peacefully in co-sleeper | babybay cosleepers

It’s important to remember that co sleeping isn’t a new practice. 

The history of co sleeping goes back thousands of years, and is still the dominant sleep practice around the world. 

Cultures who have favored co sleeping for millennia celebrate the sleep practice for its bonding and nursing benefits. Parents who co sleep find that it’s easier to get in tune with their baby, while also having smoother nighttime nursing experiences. 

And though parents in Western households (where solo-sleeping is the norm) might wonder whether this kind of nighttime closeness leads to children being over-reliant on their parents, the research shows that the opposite becomes true. 

Co Sleeping and Independence: How One Impacts the Other 

Co sleeping does help parents and babies sync their heart rates, temperature, breathing, sleep states, and oxygen levels. It also helps parents respond to every nighttime nursing call, quick crisis, and need for comfort that comes their way. 

But this doesn’t create unhealthy codependency. It actually helps babies learn that their psychological needs will be met—whenever they need it, and as quickly as can be. 

beside cosleeper bed babybay

This allows them to explore more, express their needs more actively, and generally have the kind of secure relationship with their parents that leads toward independence

How Does the Closeness of Co-Sleeping Lead to Independence? 

Fast reaction times are key to building trust with your child

By quickly responding to their needs, you’re able to offer comfort and calming as soon as they need it. 

This builds a strong foundation of trust between you and your little one, the kind that lets them feel confident that their needs will always be met. 

And while solo-sleeping scenarios often force the parent to roll out of bed, walk out of the room (or to the nursery) and reach across crib bars to give their child the comfort they need, co-sleeping parents find it easy to simply reach over and offer care. 

Not only does this make things easier on parents—by making it simpler to get back to sleep after you care for your little one—it also helps your baby know that you’ll always be close by and ready to help when they need it. 

So Will Co Sleeping Spoil My Child? 

bassinet in room at night | babybay cosleepers

No, co sleeping—at least when done safely and at the infancy stage—will not spoil your child. This kind of close sleeping actually falls right in line with what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for young children. 

But the key to soaking up all the co sleeping benefits while also giving your child safe and sound nights of sleep comes from the how of co sleeping.

There’s a difference between co sleeping and bed sharing. And while the former will lead to better rest for you and your baby while supporting their adventurous spirit, bed sharing (or the practice of bringing your baby into bed with you during the night) can lead to risks for your little one. 

So Then How Do I Co Sleep Safely? 

Bedside co sleepers are the safe way to get better, more fulfilling nights of sleep with your baby while still making sure their safety is fully cared for. 

With bedside co sleepers like the babybay, your little one gets a bed and space all their own to sleep the night away. They enjoy the firm mattress, bedding-free surface they need, while you enjoy all the cushiony goodness of your own oh-so-soft comforters, pillows, and fluffy mattress. 

This lets you get better nights of rest (by keeping your comfort a priority even when you’re co sleeping with a newborn!) while also letting your little one enjoy the peace that comes from being next to you all night long.

How to Get the Best Sleep for Pregnancy Health: Trimester By Trimester

For some lucky pregnant women, sleep comes easy. But for others, pregnancy insomnia can leave them feeling restless, frustrated, and worried about waking up feeling tired and worn out. So how do you make the most of your sleep for pregnancy health and full peace of mind at every stage? 

Here’s our trimester-by-trimester guide to cutting through the insomnia, ditching the dreamless nights, and getting the kind of pregnancy sleep that leaves you waking up refreshed. 

First Thing’s First: Why Is It So Hard To Get Sleep While Pregnant? 

Mom holding happy baby after getting sleep during pregnancy | babybay co-sleepers

Pregnancy insomnia often begins in the first trimester, and is thanks to a host of factors like fluctuating hormone levels, nausea, heart rate fluctuations, leg cramps, and body temperature changes. 

By later in your pregnancy journey, there might be other reasons why your pregnancy insomnia gets worse—like the feeling of your growing belly making it difficult for you to find the best positions for easy rest. 

Though sleep problems during pregnancy are common, that doesn’t mean they’re totally harmless.

While a few nights of tossing and turning shouldn’t affect you or your baby, new research claims that women who don’t get quality rest during their pregnancy are at greater risk of complications

Which is why getting good rest should be a priority at every stage of your pregnancy–and should still be a priority after your baby is born! 

Getting Enough Sleep While Pregnant: What To Do During Your First Trimester

Pregnant woman supported by pillow while getting enough sleep while pregnant | babybay co-sleepers

Here’s our first tip: don’t stress or overthink your sleepless nights. 

Though finding ways to drift off to dreamland should be priority #1, stressing about the “right” ways to get that sleep can do more harm than good. 

As your placenta grows during your first trimester (and your body gets used to differing hormone levels), you’re likely to feel pretty tired. 

Instead of ignoring the exhaustion and plowing through, take the time to care for your body’s every need. Don’t be afraid to take naps, call in the babysitter for a few hours of midday rest, or go to sleep extra early if that’s what your body needs. 

You’ll appreciate the extra attention you’re giving your body in the long run—especially when it pays off in the form of longer and more peaceful nights of sleep down the road. 

Sleeping While Pregnant: Getting Rest In Your Second Trimester 

Parent putting together a bedside sleeper | babybay cosleepers

Many women find sleeping while pregnant easier during their second trimester. 

This is due in part to stabilizing hormone levels, which offer a much-needed break from morning sickness. It’s also due to less frequent bathroom runs, which come as a result of the uterus not pushing as heavily on your bladder. 

According to the Sleep Foundation, women tend to get 7.5 hours of sleep on average during their second trimester. 

That makes this an ideal time to stock up on baby products, pick out the crib or bedside co sleeper that will make a perfect fit in your room, and start planning next steps when your baby arrives. 

And while you don’t want to overdo all the nesting during this stage of your pregnancy (a healthy balance of nesting and resting is always important!), it is helpful to get started on your list of to-dos when your body and mind are up for the task. 

Getting Sleep During Pregnancy: What to Expect In the Third Trimester

Though your second trimester likely offered a reprieve from all those sleepless nights, you’re likely to experience some more of them as you enter your third trimester. 

This is less thanks to changing hormones and more thanks to changes in your body, which can make it hard to find a comfortable position that lets you drift into the deep sleep you need. 

Restless leg syndrome, back pain, and baby kicks can all also cause nighttime tossing and turning, which can leave pregnant women with more than a few sleepless nights. 

Luckily, you kind find relief by finding the right pregnancy sleep positions to ease the pressure on your growing pregnancy belly and get the rest you need. 

You can also practice a few self-care essentials–like putting a relaxing bedtime routine in place–to help make falling asleep easier during this stage. 

How to Get Sleep After Your Baby Comes

Parent sleeping next to baby after overcoming pregnancy insomnia | babybay co-sleepers

Though getting sleep while pregnant always feels like the biggest concern, it’s no secret that having a new baby also makes it challenging to get full nights of rest. 

It’s important to plan ahead for those days after your baby is born so that you can make the most out of all those early moments with your little one (without any sleep deprivation to show!).

For many families, this means looking into the many benefits of bedside co sleepers, which offer a way for you to enjoy all the benefits of sleeping close to your baby—including getting more hours of better rest!—while also giving them a space all their own. 

Because as a pregnant woman, you deserve quality nights of sleep for pregnancy health and full relaxation. And you deserve that as a new parent too!

What to Know About Wooden Cribs (Before You Buy)

Some families choose wooden cribs because they like the style. Others prefer the peace of mind that comes from knowing their baby’s bed meets crib safety standards while avoiding all the toxic glues and chemicals that go into the construction of most baby beds. 

But no matter your reasoning for seeking out a wood crib, this type of baby bed is a stylish and sustainable alternative to many modern models. 

Here’s what you should know before choosing a wooden crib design for your little one. 

First Things First: Are Wood Cribs for Babies Safe? 

Like most things, it depends. 

A baby in a co sleeper, an alternative to a wood crib | babybay co-sleepers

When you buy a new crib or baby bed that has been lovingly crafted with solid, natural, and sustainably sourced wood (like the babybay bedside sleeper, which is made of 100% ethically-sourced beechwood), you can be confident that you’re getting a superior product than your everyday crib—and a safer, natural option for your little one. 

But not all cribs, bedside co sleepers, or baby beds are created equal.

Some crib manufacturers will use natural wood, but then cover it in the kind of toxic glues, sealers, and paints that come with toxic fumes. And though these cribs might look all-natural from the outside, they can still be less than supportive for your little one. 

That’s why it’s important to research the ethics and attitude of any crib or bedside sleeper manufacturer before you buy, and choose a manufacturer that takes your baby’s safety seriously. 

How About If It’s a Wood Crib Antique? Is That Still Safe? 

A baby beside sleeper with flower decorations above| babybay cosleepers

A wood crib antique may offer everything you’re looking for in terms of design, but that doesn’t mean it’s your safest option. 

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is the U.S. agency responsible for determining which consumer products (including cribs!) are safe for consumer use. 

The CPSC lists antique cribs as one of their “Most Wanted” dangerous products, since many were designed and sold before there were universal safety standards that protected your baby through the night. 

Though antique cribs might be made of the most beautiful, hard-to-resist wood out there, they could be built with crib wooden slats that are too far apart to properly keep your little one safe and in place while they sleep. 

They could also have been manufactured with lead, or feature a drop-side design that was banned in the United States in 2010 after multiple safety concerns arose. 

Which is to say—though style is important when it comes to a baby crib, so is design. And when it comes to design, looking for a baby crib that prioritizes modern safety standards is key. 

Can I Find a Natural Wood Crib That Is Also Mobile? 

It can be easy to assume that a natural wood crib or co sleeper like the babybay means you’re limited when it comes to easily-convertible convenience. But cribs made of natural woods can be just as convenient as cribs made of plastic, mesh, or other common (but less sustainable and natural) materials for modern cribs. 

Mother feeding her baby next to a natural wood crib | babybay bedside sleepers

Though it might be hard to find a crib or co sleeper that comes in the exact natural wood style you want while also providing the ease that comes from a mobile conversion kit, it’s not impossible. 

A convertible baby crib or co sleeper like the babybay can be transformed into a mobile, rolling baby bassinet with the help of a conversion kit.

When your conversion kit is set up and in place, you can enjoy all the benefits of a natural wood crib that stays close to your bedside, while also giving you the freedom to move your perfectly-styled and all-natural crib or co sleeper through the house and into different rooms. 

Which means you can have the best of both words—all the style of the natural, all-wood crib you want, with the convenience of a mobile baby bassinet. 

So What’s the Best Wooden Crib Out There? 

A baby sleeping in a bedside co sleeper, an alternative to the best wooden crib out there | babybay bedside sleepers

The best wooden crib or co sleeper will offer the right balance of style and safety, while giving you the freedom to transform your baby’s bed into a rollable, moveable, baby bassinet. 

For parents who have explored the many benefits of co sleeping and decided that it’s right for them, the babybay co sleeper offers a safe sleeping solution that is stylishly made with all natural, 100% ethically-sourced beechwood and safely made to protect and cradle your little one through the night. 

So that you can enjoy the all-natural beauty that wooden cribs bring to the room, while still knowing that your baby is co sleeping safely and sweetly.

Pregnancy Sleeping Positions That Will Help You Finally Get Rest

It’s a common complaint for women around the world: when you’re in the middle of pregnancy, sleeping positions (and finding one that will give you the restful night’s sleep you need without shortness of breath, back pain, or discomfort) can feel like an uncrackable code.

Fluctuating hormones, stress levels, and the many shifts that are taking place in your body as your baby grows can trigger fitful nights and plenty of hours spent staring up at the ceiling wondering what you’re doing wrong. 

Here’s the truth: frequent nighttime awakenings are often an unavoidable part of pregnancy. But even so, there are steps you can take and comfortable sleep positions you can try that will help take away nighttime restfulness, ease pregnancy insomnia, and set you on the path toward sweet dreams.

What sleeping positions should be avoided during pregnancy?

Some experts advise against sleeping flat on your back while pregnant, since this position can compress certain veins and decrease oxygen flow to the placenta. This is also not a very comfortable sleep position for your spine or back, making it an important one to avoid.

Pregnant women on bed by bedside co-sleeper | babybay bedside co sleeper

Though you shouldn’t worry or stress if you find yourself waking up in this position come morning, starting your night off right with a better position can help you get more hours of sleep during pregnancy and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

What Should Be My Favorite Sleeping Positions While Pregnant?

For pregnant women, side sleeping is always the best. And if you can sleep on your left side—even better!

As your pregnancy belly grows, you’ll appreciate the extra support that side sleeping offers and the weight that it takes off your back. 

And though both left side sleeping and right side sleeping will offer that same comfort, sleeping on your left side can improve circulation and make it easier for nutrients to make their way to your baby. It will also keep your pregnancy body weight from pushing down on your liver, which can cause discomfort.

Pregnant woman reclining in one of many pregnancy sleeping positions | babybay bedside sleepers

Though you might have formally been a fan of stomach sleeping, this is one of the positions during pregnancy that can put uncomfortable pressure on your abdomen and press your expanding uterus in a way that’s hard to ignore or sleep through. Because of this, side sleeping reigns supreme as one of the preferred nighttime positions during pregnancy.

What Are the Most Comfy Pregnant Sleeping Positions?

So we know that side sleeping is key during pregnancy—but how do you make this position even more comfortable for you?

You can prop an extra-long pregnancy or wedge pillow under your back and between your knees to keep you set in the side position all night long and avoid any of the discomfort that comes from rolling onto your stomach or back.


Though this can be a more comfortable way to sleep for many pregnant women, you shouldn’t worry if you roll out of position during the night. Any sleep is good sleep right now, making the how much far more important than the how.

For some pregnant women, sleeping more upright by stacking pillows behind you or getting comfy in a recliner can help relieve heartburn and give you a better night’s sleep. And for those with shortness of breath, putting a pillow under your chest can lift your body and set your breathing at ease.

What Should I Know About Pregnancy Sleeping Positions for Back Pain?

Back pain can make it hard for pregnant women to relax and unwind, during sleep and waking hours!

Though side sleeping is known as one of the best positions for back pain and a good way to ease aches and set the body in a relaxed state (especially when pillows are put between the legs and under the back), prevention during other hours of the day is also key. Man and pregnant woman standing under tree while waiting for newborn baby | babybay bedside sleepers

As your baby grows, it can be hard to maintain the proper posture you need to avoid back pain at all hours. 

Focusing on keeping your back straight, chest high, and shoulders back can help set your body in the posture it needs to feel fully relaxed come nighttime. 

Daily massages, gentle physical activity, and flat footwear can also lessen back pain concerns during the day, which carries over into restful sleep at night.

Should I Be Worried About My Sleep During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy insomnia is common, and one or two nights of restless turning shouldn’t be a cause for concern. 

However, if you find yourself frequently unable to get comfortable enough to sleep, it might be time to get more serious about talking to your doctor and seeing what you can do.The truth is, it will only be harder to get nurturing hours of rest once your little one comes. And while tools like a bedside sleeper can help, settling into the right pregnancy sleeping positions can be a good way to catch must-needed Z’s before your baby finally arrives.

Pregnancy Insomnia: What It Is and How to Overcome It

If you’re experiencing the kind of pregnancy insomnia that leaves you sleep deprived during the daylight hours, just know—you’re not alone.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, over 78% of pregnant women experience insomnia during their pregnancy, most commonly throughout their first and third trimesters.

Though hormonal changes are often to blame, there are numerous reasons why you might be having a hard time getting a good night’s sleep while pregnant.

Your growing belly might affect sleep by making it hard for you to find comfortable sleep positions, or frequent trips to the bathroom might be causing you to only get a few hours of shuteye at a time.

Some women even experience vivid or anxiety-rich pregnancy dreams, the kind that keep them up at night and affect sleep quality while causing shorter sleep times.

But no matter the why behind your restless nights, the important thing is to focus on sleep quality while getting the hours of shuteye you and your baby need to stay healthy.

The Most Important Question: Can Pregnancy Insomnia Affect Baby

If you’re pregnant and wondering whether pregnancy insomnia is bad for your baby, here’s the good news: a night or two of insomnia shouldn’t make a big impact on your pregnancy.

pregnant mom with cosleeper | babybay cosleepers

But if you’re absolutely behind on your rest time and suffering through plenty of wide-eyed, can’t-rest nights, it can possibly lead to pregnancy complications. At least, that’s what new research has found.

So can pregnancy insomnia affect baby? The answer is yes.

But stressing out about whether your insomnia is bad for your little one isn’t the way to go.

Instead, it’s helpful to focus your energy on finding the kind of sleep aids and sleep solutions that will help you catch a few extra hours in dreamland. Turns out, getting a few hours of much-needed shuteye can positively impact your baby’s growth, making it important to get as much quality sleep as you can.

So while a few bouts of insomnia or sleepless nights shouldn’t be of much concern, if you find yourself unable to get quality sleep and rack up some multi-hour sleep times, then it might be time to try a few methods to relax, unwind, and catch some Zs.

Dealing with Pregnancy Insomnia By Setting a Bedtime Routine

Not surprisingly, you can often ease insomnia while pregnant the same way you deal with insomnia the rest of the time—by setting a relaxation-inducing bedtime routine.

That means being conscious about how you spend the hours before you lay your head down for the night.

Turn off the screens at least an hour before bed (believe it or not, screens have been known to affect your natural circadian rhythm!) to get in a relaxed state of mind.

Then consider taking a warm bath (one that isn’t too hot or too cold, but is the perfect temp for your baby), and calm your mind with a little music or reading time. Setting up a soundtrack of soothing sounds can also help you drift off to sleep and stay in a dreamland state through the night.

Dealing with Pregnancy Insomnia During the Day: Developing Healthy Habits

When it comes to dealing with pregnancy insomnia, prepping ahead might just be key.

Rather than setting up your soundtrack and getting yourself into a sleepy state of mind right before bedtime, plan your day around building the kind of healthy habits that will make it easier to fall asleep later.

Using up energy through exercise will help prime your body for nighttime, and focusing on eating healthy foods and drinking enough water will make sure you’re ready to drift into dreamland—with all your needs fully cared for—when the time comes.

How Insomnia Will Affect You After Labor and Birth

There aren’t one-size-fits-all sleep aids that will help you overcome insomnia during pregnancy. So though it may be hard for women who experience insomnia to get the full night’s sleep they need, now is the time to focus your energy on catching that quality sleep.

baby bedside co-sleeper babybay

Though labor and birth might seem far away right now (especially if you’re experiencing pregnancy insomnia in your first trimester), your baby will be here before you know it. And as any new parent will tell you, getting sleep during those first months with your little one can be a pretty hard task.

Many parents have found that bedside co sleepers offer the kind of close nighttime connection with their little one that supports longer, more refreshing rest for both baby and parents.

So that once baby comes, you can spend less time wishing for nap time, and more time focused on making beautiful memories in your first months with your little one.

How a Co Sleeping Bed Can Help You Get More Sleep

It’s no secret: when your newborn uses a co sleeping baby bed, their body and mind benefit. (Don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what the studies have to say…)

But your baby isn’t the only one in the family who benefits from using a bedside co sleeper

As a parent, you benefit too! Here are all the ways that a bedside co sleeper supports you as parents just as much as it supports your baby.  

Do Co Sleeping Babies Sleep Better?

There’s nothing more nurturing than sleeping close to the ones you love. And while traditional cribs use bars or netting to separate you from your little one, the perfect co sleeper will let your co sleeping baby catch peaceful Z’s while sleeping within arm’s reach of you (no getting out of bed necessary!). 

One of the world's many co sleeping babies next to their mother | babybay bedside sleeper

So do co sleeping babies sleep better?

Many parents find that their little ones get more rest—and are more easily calmed during the night—when their mattress and bed is right against yours. 

That’s partly because co sleeping parents are able to more quickly and easily respond to their baby’s needs and offer comfort before those crisis cries become, well, a crisis. 

The best co sleeping baby bed will make sure that your baby is safe and nestled in a space that’s made just for them, while giving you the ability to quickly soothe your little one without leaving your comfy mattress and bed. 

Which will bless your night times with peace of mind, while making it easier to care for your baby’s every need. 

Does the Perfect Co Sleeper Make Nighttime Nursing Easier?

For many breastfeeding parents, it can be a challenge to care for every nighttime hunger cry while still getting enough sleep to feel rested in the morning. 

But co sleeping and breastfeeding are a perfect match—partly because the best co sleeping baby bed will make it easy for you to nurse without getting out of bed and fully disrupting your sleep. 

You can practice baby care while still keeping your toes comfy under the covers, making it easier to get back into a sleep state when your baby is all full and ready for some rest of their own. 

Do You Bond Better When Using a Co Sleeping Bed for Baby?

Though there are plenty of other reasons to love co sleeping, most parents agree that feeling close to your baby all night long is one of the biggest benefits. 

When you’re no more than an arm’s reach away, you can practice baby care while being confident that your baby is safe. Which doesn’t just make it easier to get deeper, more restful sleep—it gives you the kind of peace of mind you need to focus your nighttime energy on what really matters: bonding with your baby. 

A mother nighttime nursing with her co sleeping baby | babybay bedside sleeper

In fact, choosing to co sleep can help you nurture the kind of deep bond with your baby that will make you highly responsive to your baby’s needs

But not only that–it turns out that your co sleeping baby learns how to regulate their breaths by listening to your own inhale-exhale rhythm. This supports their physical health by helping them use energy more efficiently. It also supports their mental health by helping them feel closer to you, which can regulate their (and your!) stress levels in turn. 

And though science agrees that co sleeping facilitates bonding (just look at the studies we linked above!), on a non-scientific level many parents discover that the perfect co sleeper helps them feel closer and emotionally connected through the night. 

Does Choosing to Co Sleep Support Your Baby’s Independence?

Many parents want their children to grow up to be independent—and we don’t blame them! But as the research shows, co sleeping actually promotes independence in babies. 

A baby in a co sleeping bed for newborn | babybay bedside sleeper

That’s because independence arises when a baby feels nurtured and supported, with all their needs consistently being met. 

When a baby is safe and has a loved one nearby, they can perform the kind of exploring and decision-making that supports a healthy confidence in their own independent abilities.

Which means you’ll support the healthy development of independent habits while choosing to care for your baby by co sleeping with them when they are young. 

So Then What’s the Best Co Sleeping Bed for Newborns?

The best co sleeping bed for newborns will offer the kind of safety certification guarantee that you need to comfortably rest with full peace of mind. 

The babybay bedside sleeper has been safety-certified through ASTM International, the TÜV Rheinland Group, and has been given a Confidence in Textiles certification. The all-natural and non-toxic babybay bedside sleeper is made of sustainably-sourced beechwood, making it the stylish and safe perfect co sleeper for your family. 

To take advantage of all the benefits of co sleeping—for both you and your baby!—explore babybay’s safe and nurturing co sleeping baby bed, designed to give you and your little one full nights of sweet rest.

Our Favorite Baby Shower Games (That Your Guests Will Love Too!)

Ah, baby shower games — the perfect way to celebrate the soon-to-happen birth of your little one while testing your friends and family on their infant know-how! 

(While giving you a break from all the baby prep work you’ve been doing as you seek out baby products, baby-loved bedside sleepers, and the cutest baby clothes out there…)

Of course, not every family will feel like baby showers are the best way to celebrate their pregnancy and upcoming delivery. But if you’re a parent-to-be who can’t wait to gather your nearest and dearest for an afternoon of baby shower fun, here are our top picks for the baby shower games that you and your guests will actually want to play. 

A Unique Baby Shower Idea For When You Want to Get Sentimental: Guess the Age

Though there’s nothing wrong with daring your guests to eat baby food or melting candies in diapers for your guests to sniff (both are a common baby shower activity and entertaining ways to spend an afternoon!), there are plenty of ways to add a sentimental touch to your baby shower instead. 

This one requires a little prep, but the walk down memory lane will be worth it!Guests playing baby shower games at a party | babybay bedside sleepers

Start out by searching your old photo albums for mom and dad’s cutest baby photos. You’ll want to choose one photo that represents mom and dad at every age—ideally from 1-15 years old. 

(If 15 baby photos seems like too many to collect, you can shrink the game as much as you need to by shortening the age range and looking for photos that represent ages 1-12 or 1-8 instead.)

Lay out the chosen baby photos on a poster board so that your guests can see them. Then, when the time comes to show your guests your unique baby shower idea, have your guests guess mom and dad’s age in each of the baby photos. 

A picture of mom or dad in their bedside sleeper as a newborn might be an easy one to guess…but not every age will be quite so easy to figure out!

You can make scoring easier by having your guests write their guesses down on sheets of paper. Then tally up the final results, determine who has the most correct answers, and hand out some hard-earned prizes!

Turn Your Baby Shower Games In To a Game Show

You may have heard of the classic game show “The Price is Right.” But if this game show is a new one for you, let me give a quick overview of the rules: contestants play a series of fun games while guessing the exact for-sale price of common items. They earn prizes as they go, while learning a whole lot more about how good they are about guessing the sales price down to the cent.

Mom holding baby while prepping for her baby shower | babybay bedside sleeperAs far as fun and modern baby shower games go, this one is perfect if you’re one of the first in your friend group to have a baby, or are inviting plenty of family members who haven’t purchased things like diapers or baby food in a few years or more. (But don’t worry if you’re inviting a crowd that’s full of baby know-how: this favorite among modern baby shower games will still be plenty of fun!).

Prep ahead by writing down a list of baby products on a sheet of paper. Include specific quantities when doing this (by saying, for instance, “Huggies Little Snugglers, 120 Count” or “babybay Maxi Tall bedside sleeper“).

Give a list of baby products to each of your guests and then give them time to make their guesses. The guest with the closest guess wins.

Fun tip: It’s always fun to include a few wild cards into the mix when doing this game, especially if your friends and family are well-versed in the running rate of common baby products (how much does a burrito-themed swaddling blanket cost? Your guests will just have to wait and see…).

A Fun Game that Helps You Get to Know the Preparing Parents: Most Memorable Moments 

This tends to be a favorite among all the unique baby shower games out there, and for good reason! It gives your baby shower guests a little extra insight into who you are, which makes it a fun way to celebrate your baby while also deepening bonds with the people around you.

But it requires some prep. Before the day of your shower, try to think of a few “I can’t believe that happened!” moments that you’ve had (either individually or as a couple). 

Then think of a few stories that are just as odd and intriguing—but aren’t at all true. Have your guests guess which are the real memories and which are the fake, then enjoy the excitement of reading the correct answers to the crowd. 

Baby Showers Games Ideas that Engage the Whole Crowd: Baby Bucket List

This one requires no prep (we love a low effort classic!), and engages all your baby shower guests in a game they’ll actually want to play while getting everyone excited for the adventures you and your newborn will soon have together. Baby smiling while parents think of fun baby shower games to play | babybay bedside sleeper

Ask your guests to think of one thing they would add to your “baby bucket list”—a list of things that you absolutely want to do and experience with your little one. 

To get things started, you can ask your guests to think about one memory from their childhood that they cherish, or something that they always wanted to do when they were a kid but never got the chance to. 

Invite each guest to share their “baby bucket list” item as an end to the fun game, making sure to write each answer out on a piece of paper as you go. Then save those responses—you’re going to want to look back on these and plan some new adventures as your baby grows!

Create a Keepsake with Well Wishes From Baby Shower Guests 

If unique baby shower games aren’t quite your thing, this baby shower activity will help you engage the crowd without needing to think of a game to play.

Set up a station with sheets of paper nearby. Then write down a few prompts for your guests to respond to, ones like:

  • “I hope your baby grows to be…”
  • “I hope the baby always remembers to…”
  • “I hope your baby makes the most of…”
  • “I hope your baby really loves…”

Mom holding baby by a bedside co sleeper after a successful baby shower | babybay bedside sleeperAsk the guests to leave their responses in a special jar or box, one you can keep for a long time (because these are the kinds of memories that you’ll want to keep around for a good long while). As your baby grows, you can look back at this collection of well-wishes from your nearest and dearest and reminisce about your shower with your little one. 

Are Baby Shower Games Necessary? 

No, of course not! If you find yourself asking Are baby shower games necessary? then it might be a sign that you’d like to enjoy a different kind of baby shower, with a slightly more formal baby shower theme.

Rather than doing what you think you’re “supposed to do” when choosing a baby shower theme or planning events for the day, always do what feels best to you. If you’re enjoying yourself the day-of, your guests will enjoy themselves too. And if you’re still putting together your baby shower wish list, take a second to discover how bedside sleepers can help the whole family get better nights of rest–so that you feel fully prepared to welcome your little one!

[Get Better Nights of Sleep with a Newborn]

How Many Baby Crib Sheets Do I Need?: Your Bedding Questions Answered

From spit-ups to much needed diaper changes, your little one is going to go through a lot of loads of laundry every month. And while some parents have no problem setting their washing machine into overdrive and doing a load of baby crib sheets every few days, others would prefer to spend those hours in a state of R&R instead of keeping cooped up in the laundry room.

We’re about to break down the answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions about baby crib sheets, including:

  • How many baby crib sheets do I need?
  • How do I find crib sheets with the right fit?
  • What will the right fit look like?
  • Is there a material that’s given the gold star for being more comfy-cozy for my baby?

So that you can enjoy peace of mind. While your baby remains happily snoozing the night away in full comfort.

How Many Baby Crib Sheets Do I Need? 

A little girl on comfy sheets for crib | babybay bedside co-sleeper

Babies are cute, snuggly, and oh-so-loveable. But they’re not always the cleanest. (We can all agree on that, can’t we?)

Between drool, spit-up, sweat, and leaky diapers, it’s likely that you’ll have to change the sheets of your baby’s sleeping space at least once a week, if not every day.

Deciding how many sheets for crib you’ll need depends on your needs and habits as a family. 

If you expect to only change your little one’s sheets around once a week, you’ll probably only need to purchase two or three sets of crib sheets to keep your baby’s sleep space clean without having to do laundry every day. 

But for parents who like to change sheets more often—or who have a baby a little more prone to making messes—plan to stock up on 5-7 sets of organic cotton crib sheets

This will give you a little extra leeway when it comes to getting the wash done, allowing you to catch some much-needed Z’s during the quiet moments when baby is happily sleeping (instead of spending those quiet moments sprinting to the laundry room!). 

But no matter how many baby sheets for crib you end up needing, doing your due diligence to choose the right ones will be what sets you and your little one up to enjoy better and safer rest all night long.

Finding Crib Sheets with the Right Fit 

If you’re like most of the adults in the United States, you choose to spend your nights surrounded by the plush comfort of warm bedding, fully-fluffed pillows, and soft-as-a-cloud sheets. And while all that extra bedding might be just what you need to sleep happily all night long, these bulky and super-soft materials are not the best choice for your little one

When it comes to preparing the perfect sleep environment for your little one, finding a fitted sheet set that fits perfectly on your bed can be the difference between sleeping with one eye open at night and resting peacefully with full mind. 

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) asks parents to choose bed sheets for crib that fit snugly to the mattress and can’t easily be dislodged by pulling on the corners. 

A baby sleeping with cotton sheets for crib | babybay bedside co-sleeper

By making sure that your crib sheets fit snugly, you can prevent any safety concerns that arise when sheets come undone from the corners of the mattress and gather by your sleeping baby. (Concerns, for instance, like your baby becoming tangled up and stuck in extra bedding as they rest.)

You should make sure that your fitted crib sheets have an elastic finish that tightly hugs the mattress, and follow the manufacturer directions when washing them so that they don’t shrink and lose their skin-like fit.

To have full peace of mind, test your new fitted crib sheets out before leaving your baby to sleep in them for the first time. 

Leave your new sheets on your baby’s mattress for several hours and check back in to see if they have popped off the corners. If they have, choose a fitted sheet set better designed for the mattress you have, or attach extra elastic before leaving your baby sleeping on them for a full night. 

Choosing the Right Material: Polyester, Flannel, Wool, or Cotton Sheets for Crib? 

Your baby’s crib sheet can be made from many different materials, but not all of them will offer the same level of breathability and comfort. Cotton remains the most popular choice for most bed sheets for crib because of its breathability and hypoallergenic status. 

That’s because other materials like wool may lead your baby to experience unwanted allergy symptoms. While cotton (especially organic cotton) is a natural option that won’t irritate the skin. Its fibers are also free from common chemicals that you might find in other synthetic options, and the material naturally allows for a level of temperature control that minimizes the risk of overheating.

Baby lying comfortably on a comfy pillow | babybay bedside bassinets

However, it’s important to stay focused on baby’s safety even when buying fitted crib sheets that are made of cotton or a cotton blend.

When seeking out cotton sheets for crib, look for natural or organic options that use only the highest-quality hypoallergenic materials. Though it comes as a surprise to many parents, manufacturers of baby sheets often use harmful dyes, formaldehyde, and toxic bleaches that can lead to health concerns down the road. 

Which is why this final tip is so top-of-the-priority-list important: don’t be afraid to be picky about what baby crib sheets you buy. 

Only choose baby products and cribs that avoid many of the major chemicals, glues, and finishes that have been proven to be toxic to your baby. You can do this by seeking out companies committed to making baby products that care for your little one’s safety just as carefully as you do. 

And take that extra few moments to make sure that you’ve stocked up and covered all your bases in advance. So that the only thing you have to focus on when your baby comes is spending every extra second with them.

Do Babies Dream When They’re Asleep?

You see your baby’s eyelids flutter as they sleep. They smile. Their breathing changes, their breath catches, and you can’t help but wonder: Is my baby dreaming? 

According to the Sleep Foundation, newborn babies need between 14-17 hours of sleep a day, and infants between 4-11 months of age need upwards of 12-15 hours. 

With all the time babies spend sleeping, it makes sense to assume that their minds are actively working during the night. Not only that, but 50 percent of the sleep they’re getting can be classified as REM sleep, which is the stage of human sleep cycles when the body is most relaxed and the brain is most active (which provides perfect conditions for dreams to occur). 

But despite spending all this nurturing time in REM sleep, dreaming does not seem to be the top priority for your baby’s brain. So what is going on in your newborn baby’s brain as they get rest? Let’s find out…

Do Babies Dream When They Sleep?

Baby sleeping peacefully in a bedside bassinet| babybay cosleepers

Leading pediatric dreaming researchers have concluded that children can only dream once they’ve developed the ability to process the world around them and imagine things visually and spatially. Babies’ brains develop as they age, leading them to make use of this skill around age 4 or 5. 

If these research claims are true, then the answer to the question do babies dream when they sleep? is nobabies do not dream. However, we might never actually know for sure if this is the full and real answer to this question, since there’s no way to ask babies directly whether or not their sleeping brains are filled with sugar plums and fairies. (Their verbal skills just aren’t good enough for that yet!). 

But many of these leading researchers believe that babies spend their time in REM sleep concentrated on doing a more important task than dreaming. 

During these deep rest moments of their sleep cycles, researchers claim, your baby’s brain is busy building neural pathways that will boost their cognitive function and eventually help them learn language.  

Building those neural pathways takes up all their brain energy, leaving dreaming as the last priority. 

When Do Babies First Dream Then?

The answer to the question when do babies first dream? partly depends on your little one’s developmental milestones. Most children are actively dreaming by the age of 3, though they experience these dreams very differently than adults do during their sleep in REM.

While adult dreams might feature a full narrative arc with a cast of main characters and complex visual images, infants and toddlers report having dreams that lack a full story structure. The story aspect of dreams arises between the ages of 5 and 7, when their brain development and maturity allows them to experience themes, characters, and actions. 

Baby in a bedside co sleeper while big brother watches him dream | babybay cosleepers

Do Babies Have Scary Dreams?

Because young babies don’t dream, parents don’t have to be worried that their child is experiencing scary dreams during their sleep time. 

Nightmares can be a frequent occurrence for children between the ages of 6 and 10, and there’s a biological reason for this. Though babies aren’t dreaming, the brains of older children come alive with images. Their amygdala—the part of the brain responsible for emotions like fear—becomes activated during their sleep in REM, while the part of the brain that tempers emotions goes dormant.

Though children are able to experience nightmares as soon as their brains develop the maturity to dream, these become more frequent as they age.

Luckily, this stage of frequent nightmares is short-lived. This tendency toward nightmares often disappears as the brain develops and reaches maturity, around the age of 11 or 12. 

How Do I Help My Newborn Baby Get Better Sleep?

Setting up the right sleep environment is key when you’re helping your little one sleep soundly. Even though babies aren’t having nightmares through the night, they can still have a hard time getting to sleep or can have trouble falling into the deep rest sleep cycle they need. 

Whether you’re caring for a newborn baby, an infant, or an older child, best advice for helping your little ones sleep through the night remains the same.

Prepare a bed that’s cozy, but provides the support they need to stay safe while they sleep. Establish a calming bedtime routine that settles them down and clues them in that it’s time to close their eyes. And stay aware of when your little one is sleepy so they can get rest when they need it most. 

That way you’ll help make your little one the happiest baby they can be, while making every moment of their sleep count.

The Best Baby Sleep Positions for Nighttime Comfort and Safety

When it comes to safe sleep positions for newborns, there’s one that reigns supreme: putting babies to sleep on their back (as opposed to having baby sleeping on side or stomach). 

But up until late in the 20th century, there weren’t firm recommendations on what positions best supported baby’s safe and nurturing sleep. That all changed in 1988, when medical societies in the Netherlands began claiming that stomach sleeping could lead to health and safety concerns for newborns. 

By 1994, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) unrolled the Safe to Sleep campaign, a sleep campaign that promoted back sleeping as the only safe position for newborn babies. 

So do the initial findings of the Safe to Sleep campaign still hold up? And what happens if you just can’t get your baby to stay in one safe position during the night?

Find out everything there is to know about helping your baby sleep safely and soundly with infant sleep positions.

So What’s the Deal with Stomach Sleeping? Why Isn’t Stomach Sleeping Safe?

In truth, researchers aren’t sure why belly sleeping leads to health and safety concerns. Some studies suggest that when babies sleep on their stomach they are forced to breathe back in their exhaled breath, leading to a buildup of carbon dioxide in their body and a decrease in oxygen levels. This breath pattern could lead to overheating, since it becomes harder for your baby’s body heat to escape when they are taking back in their previously-exhaled carbon dioxide.

Baby sleeping on back safely | babybay cosleepers

However, what is clear to researchers is that back sleeping is the position that best supports your baby’s healthy development.

As studies have found, newborn babies who sleep on their back are less likely to experience stuffy noses, fevers, and ear infections. 

And while newborn babies who sleep on their stomachs tend to be less reactive to noise, experience less need for movement, and often drift into longer periods of deep sleep during the night (all of which might sound like welcome news to parents wanting to get some much-needed shuteye themselves!), this lessened responsiveness comes with risks.

When your newborn baby is less reactive while sleeping, they’re more likely to get stuck in an unsafe position when they sleep. 

This is why putting your baby to sleep on their back offers a level of confidence in baby’s safety that other sleep practices and positions don’t allow.

What About My Baby Sleeping on Side? Is That One of the Safe Sleep Practices?

Experts recommend that babies steer clear of sleeping on their side for one simple reason: when your baby falls asleep on their side, it’s easier for them to roll onto their stomach. 

Though there’s no way to prevent your newborn baby from side sleeping, you can start by ensuring that you’re always putting your baby to sleep comfortably on their back. If they turn over during the night, simply roll them back over and let them continue to rest. 

Parent happily watching baby sleeping on back in co sleeper | babybay bedside bassinets

Sleeping close to your newborn baby during their first months of life—by participating in safe co sleeping and room sharing—can help you keep a close eye on your baby as they fall asleep. It can also make it easier to recognize unsafe sleeping positions and adjust your baby’s sleeping habits throughout the night.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends room sharing with your newborn baby for at least the first six months (and ideally the first year) of their life as a way to quickly respond to any concerns and ensure their healthy development. 

When Can I Stop Worrying About My Baby Sleeping on Side or Stomach?

Stomach and side sleeping stops being a concern for babies once they are able to easily roll themselves out of an unsafe position. If your little one is able to easily roll back-to-tummy or tummy-to-back, then it may be a sign that you can ease up on your concerns about their sleeping position. 

Parent watching baby as they participate in baby back sleeping | babybay bedside bassinets

Babies usually develop this skill around 12 months of age.

Until it’s clear that your baby has hit the necessary developmental milestones, you should continue to promote back sleeping by putting them to rest in that position when they go in the crib.

I’ve Heard My Baby Might Choke While Back Sleeping. Is That True?

Some parents worry that back sleeping might promote choking or vomiting by making it hard for babies to clear their throat when fluids come. Fortunately, research has found that healthy babies are able to rely on their natural coughing reflex to easily clear their throat.

Because of the position of the trachea when babies sleep on their back, fluids also have to fight gravity to get from the stomach to your baby’s mouth. This actually makes choking less of a concern, since fluids have a more difficult path to follow when going up your baby’s throat. 

What’s the Best Way to Support Safe Sleep Practices As Babies Grow?

Parent helping baby sleep on back | babybay bedside bassinet

It’s easier to be aware of your baby’s sleep position—and support safe sleep practices!—when you’re able to keep a close eye on your little one.

Sleep tools like a safe co sleeper, bedside crib, or bedside bassinet let you catch rest while being within arm’s reach of your baby, making it easy to shift your little one’s position if you see baby sleeping on back or on stomach.

So they are able to sleep safely–while you feel peace of mind all night long.